2020-2022年度家長教師會通告 |
2020第19號通告 ,有關親子戶外學習日繳費通知
Payment notice of PTA Parent-child outdoor learning day |
2020第18號通告 ,有關2020-2022年度家長教師會第二次會員大會事宜
Circular on the Second Annual General Meeting 2020-2022 |
2020第17號通告 ,有關家教會親子戶外學習日事宜
Circular on PTA Parent-child outdoor learning day |
2020第16號通告 ,有關親子新興運動體驗日事宜
Circular on Parent-child Emerging Sports Experience Day |
2020第15號通告 ,有關第十二屆家長教師會執行委員選舉事宜
Circular on the 12th Executive Election of PTA |
2020第14號通告 ,有關家教會「海洋公園全方位學習之旅」活動事宜
Circular on PTA “Life-wide Learning”activity |
2020第13號通告 ,有關家教會親子戶外活動事宜
Circular on PTA Outdoor Activity |
2020第12號通告 ,有關加入家長教師會成為會員事宜
Circular on becoming a "Parent-Teacher Association" Member |
2020第11號通告 ,有關海上教室─鴨靈文化遊事宜
Circular on Floating Classroom-Dukling Cultural Journey |
2020第10號通告 ,有關2020-2021年度親子旅行繳費通知
Payment notice of PTA Picnic |
2020第9號通告 ,有關家教會親子旅行事宜
Circular on PTA Picnic |
2020第8號通告 ,有關2020-2021年度家長教師會會員大會事宜
Circular on the 2020-2021 Annual General Meeting |
2020第7號通告 ,有關荃灣商會學校法團校董會家長校董及替代家長校董選舉結果公佈事宜
Circular on the announcement of the election result of the new Parent Manager and Alternate Parent Manager |
The Elections for the Parent Manager and Alternate Parent Manager |
Circular on the Elections for the Parent Manager and Alternate Parent Manager.pdf |
Circular on the 11th Executive Committee of PTA |
2020年第3號通告(第十一屆執行委員選舉候選人簡介) The 11th Executive Committee (School year 2020-2022) Election of PTA |
Circular on 11th Executive Election of PTA |
Circular on becoming a "Parent-Teacher Association" Member |